Differently and Collectively

Finding the strength to keep going when things are difficult. 

This is the theme of August. According to the news made available to the masses by social media feeds…this is what’s going on:

A wild and crazy election that seems to be full of surprises! The drama of politics never ceases to ooh, ahh and frighten the shit out of us, regardless of who you side with. That in itself is a warning if you ask me!

We have a bunch of transits, a lovely new moon, which has been my favorite way to commune with God and tell time in the cycles of nature and inner evolution. It’s a busy month. Every two weeks we watch the moon culminate through a phase. It’s my favorite because all I need to do is look up at the sky and wonder about the phases I inevitably pass through too. The growing trend of astrology informs us that several planets are doing several things. Because we are nature and intrinsically connected to all that is happening around us, we feel it, we feel all of it. Differently and Collectively.  Just like the dreaded but extremely funny influence on memes, Mercury Retrograde. It hits different but it hits all of us. Not to fear monger or anything but don’t play with this one! Mercury can break your phone, ruin your plans, cause a slip up with an ex and don’t you even dare sign a contract during its retrograde.

The other thing we are coming up on is this Lion’s Gate portal. It’s a synchronistic moment in time when the number 8 holds this magical ability to grant manifestations. This year will be 8/8/8 which makes it especially auspicious. Ancient sky gazers noticed an alignment between Earth, Sirius and Orion and today there are many believers and practitioners. The past few years I have learned my lesson about these things. The push into purpose makes me look at all of my life as an ask. It says take all you know and Integrate. 

Much like the politicians throughout all time I can neither confirm nor deny the realness here but I can affirm that anything is possible at any time. Life is strange like that.

It is never ok to move forward in anything we do in life without responsibility for our growth and commitment to our authenticity. To ground myself I remember that regardless of what’s happening around me it is my job to hold my center. To both create and flow with the experiences of being alive. 

 My beloved readers,regardless of belief it is always a good time for us all to ask ourselves the big questions. There is as much value in admitting that my life doesn’t stop just because of astrological predictions as there is in honoring the advice to tread lightly in areas of life that require more care AND/OR to move like we don’t all have blind spots. Because we do.

What I know to be true about all ancient practices is that there was respect for process. How many full moons did it take you to forgive and let go? How many dark moons have passed with the same dream still in your heart? Do you listen to the nudges within that ask us to course correct? Can we tune into opportune moments throughout all life that feel magical? Like the portals that open up through pain and pleasure. Whatever opening that gets you from (here to there) is a portal. I recognize the immense power we each have to make a miracle, to be the miracle. The rituals and practices we engage in are guidance.  It isn’t slow or fast, good or bad, it’s life! We forget sometimes that our complicated and messy ways are as natural as the ebbing and flowing of the tides and rising and setting of the sun. So whatever the stars, the dates, the moon and the license plates may be communicating to you, enjoy the lessons they bring. 

Happy August First Friday, Happy Summer, Happy New Moon, Happy Retrogrades, Happy Lion’s Gate, Happy Life, Happy Evolving, Happy Everything, Everybody

With So Much Love and Faith in who we are already, 


That’s what friends are for…