Work with me!

  • 1:1 With Me

    75 min of restorative yoga and yoga nidra, all while in the warming flow of reWe practice holding the energy of our emotions and release them. This offering is deeply relaxing and healing.

    Pricing begins at $225

  • Wellness for Writers

    We meet every Thursday 7:30pm -9pm for a chair modified class that is designed for igniting creativity and courage. We practice sound, breathe and writing. Bring a journal and pen and your favorite yoga props.

    Sliding Scale Pricing $5-$20

  • Hire me for Retreats

    Retreat chef and facilitator services are available and vary in their pricing according to location, group size and activities.

    Pricing begins at $1350 for weekend retreats in NY

Everyone needs a sweet sister on their unique path forward…

Working with me means having someone encouraging on your team to teach you practical tools for health and confidence. I bring more than 20 years of cooking and health coaching, 15 years of yoga and facilitation experience and a love of writing and healing. Working with me is about slow pace integration, listening to one’s inner wisdom and getting out of our own way. Our time together will spark inspiration, teach you to become goal oriented without losing sight of your heart centered intentions.

Please do subscribe to my monthly newsletter to stay connected with all of my offerings feel free to email me