
Roused from a midday nap with the Netflix playing in the background, i woke to the statement…School buses!

Like it was important to remember.

I immediately messaged a friend who is a medium and asked desperately, what does it mean?? She said, “i have no idea” which of course makes perfect sense because messages and signs are unique and specific. Sometimes those signs can only be understood over time, once we live through the experience the message was about.

Does it ever happen to you that you know something to be true but you don’t know how? Maybe you get a feeling that’s hard to describe but is similar to a yes or a no, a sort of guided nagging. This has been happening to me so much lately. It’s also no coincidence to me that it has been happening while dreaming deeply about my dad’s place in Costa Rica. Many feelings nagging me about coming, well, home. The nagging saying something more like this is home and you are summoned.

I obeyed that call. I’ve been here 40 something days and can hardly remember why I stayed away so long. I suppose it was survival mode living and divorce and children and lack of funds and a limited imagination. Today its so easy to remember that there is no place like home and that the home my father built is in fact everything I would dream of and want just when I was ready for it. Oh, am i now ready…

My first morning after arriving i went on an early walk and got lost. Anyone who knows me will not be surprised by that, lol! My second turn around the same block made me stop in my tracks and look…where am I/ where is the entrance to my street? As I spun to orient myself I saw…you guessed it, school buses. Directly across from the little red sign I usually use as a landmark was a whole parking lot of big, yellow school buses. Had this always been there? Then I remembered the dream. The sign. The message…this is your home. Thank you, Papi for helping me find my way in so many ways.

What messages have you been receiving? Maybe there’s one that says, come back to life. Revive! After more than a long hard year of chaos and pandemic your body might be screaming, disconnect and find nature. Are the signs saying there are worthy problems that don’t include money…There is a solution to a problem that is bigger than paying or getting paid. A way around what we have allowed to program and condition us into a life that’s less than paradise is to embrace a challenge. Saying yes to coming home has brought me back to life.

I am inviting you to consider supporting #therevival of my dad’s home. My goal is to own it outright in partnership with a native Costa Rican who never dreamed but also deserves to call this place home too. The bigger picture is to turn this place into an inclusive learning center. Traditional gardening, building, repairing, cooking, yoga, EFT, healing and right relationship with people, beings and their places. Uplifting this already beautiful place while contributing to a community on the rise and holding space for healing in bodies that are otherwise marginalized, that’s the work of Willy’s Place. I am so proud to get the message and see the signs that happiness is easy.

If you are interested in hearing more about Willy’s Place and my time in Costa Rica. Stay tuned for the Willy’s Place page, coming soon.

Nothing but love


love again


Crying is beautiful