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The Other Loves

  Happiest First Friday of February!

Welcome to a brand new month. It is still your year, you have plenty of time to forgive, release and align with the deepest parts of you still in hiding and let them free! You are meant to shine but when you're inside a story of shame you go dull, boring and diminished. You are meant to shine and do you know what helps you do that? Loving who you are. No more instances of unrequited self love…I could have, should have, would have but didn’t prioritize my self esteem, self respect and self love. 

No, no, no, baby! This winter we are going to the pit of places within we were once afraid of. You cannot continue the old way and end up someplace new and wonderful. You will have to become new and wonderful too. Sweet one, let go, you can do it. I believe in you and want for you all the beauty you see for yourself every time you close your eyes and make a wish. You absolutely can forgive. Without a doubt you can make peace where once there was turmoil. Be a well of goodness for yourself and when you “can’t” find someone who can do it with you. Sometimes that’s a paid professional, sometimes a pet, a friend, a place, an angel. Surround yourself with people willing to get you, people who have the capacity to hold you in your dullness because they believe in your brilliance. When it gets very challenging don’t do it alone.

Find your other love. Desperation can get you a boyfriend real quick but faith in the timing of good things can get you a whole life you love. Those other loves called friendship and family and the fun things that remind you of who you are get you through the tough stuff. I challenge us to experience love in unexpected places/ways and to no longer chase after it from anyone ever. Never again. I love myself so much that everyday I disconnect further from the stuff of the past that never did much for my self esteem. I hope that this first friday practice I am sharing with you supports you on your way to utmost respect and commitment to your own truth and joy. It takes something to pivot on those triggering thoughts and patterns and choose inner peace. It takes energy and effort to make the switch.

February can be a hard month because it is mostly overshadowed by the intense marketing of love through chocolates and roses! It begs, who is your Valentine? It forgets Black History, it forgets Ash Wednesday, it forgets the pleasure in a Pisces season night swim of deep emotions that our end of winter offers. Ignoring this fosters the lie that something is wrong, missing or incomplete. I invite us instead to consider the other loves of our lives. This month I am sharing on the importance of having other loves and how those other loves make life special. It is beyond romantic love, not more than but different. Who do you love, sweet one? Who loves you? How do you know?

See you tonight in class. Use the link in your email from #firstfridays to join at 8pm EST.

I’ll be making a hot chocolate, the recipe is also in the email.