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My dog has a better sex life than me…lucky bitch

When Pipa first came into my life it was a hard decision to keep her. I knew she wouldn’t really be mine because I live in NY and she was in CR. Jose brought her to WP not knowing that I always wanted her. I had daydreamed about a rottie living there. Jose finding her was a wish fulfilled! She came with such a wounded spirit but was so loving. She responded to her name and kept her head down, seemed happy with us right away and we could tell she wasn’t fed consistently. I took her everywhere and dedicated myself to training her on a leash and feeding her pig ears as a reward for knowing simple commands. Anyone who knows Pipa knows how sweet she is, incredibly intimidating but just a big mush.

She was scheduled to get fixed a few times but we missed the appointment and then she had a bleed so we were forced to delay again. We had to wait another cycle for her and in that cycle, let me tell you she had her fun. I watched her with envy how every animal on the street wanted her. On some days her cooch was so huge we couldn’t let her out of the garage. A nice remedy came along though. My friends neutered pit mix came to hang out. They enjoyed her heat without the risk of a litter. He licked her droplets of blood off the floor, he kissed her face and her belly-it was quite the sight for a divorcee who was down on dating and desperate for some cuddle time.

I was so jealous of her.

They didn’t even care that I was in the kitchen making my coffee, for days Mack would meet us at our outdoor kitchen as soon as we came out and he would romance her and play and run and escape into the shade with her. I watched my dog have so much fun. At least one of us was being adored the way she deserved. Taking notes from Pipa means I let the waft of my nature, beauty and essence call in a rightful match. Sometimes it’s for a cycle and sometimes more, either way it can be none of our business if we surrender to the possibility that only good comes to us. The guy that ghosts you is just a really short spin and then commitment and even children take us on a longer spin but sometimes those cycles cycle out too.  

Each spin though can be wonderful, they help us evolve through sweetness. Love can be like funky combinations of soft serve ice cream. Pistachio and strawberry swirled together for a summer fling or winter cuddle of banana and chocolate in a king sized bed watching Netflix. Take the love of a moment, ask for the tenderness in times when we need it not expecting another to become anything but the means to cooling the hot flames of being a divorcee, down on dating and desperate no more. Hook up culture is rampant. Everyone claiming freedom in love that disguises cheating with polyamory situations. Who am I to judge, I am barely even out there but I do feel the need to say I don’t feel I am missing out on much?! I live a free life, I do as I please and am building myself back up beautifully. Why not have a cycle where my mere existence makes the men crawl to me with a willingness to sop me up just as I am? 

You know all those cute sayings about dog’s being our best friends and better than humans and loyal? So true. It’s now become the highlight of my travels to WP, to take my dog to the beach and the market and the café and to spoil her with coconut water and pig ears, the literal highlight. I keep letting her teach me that life is good when it’s simple. Uncomplicate things and move forward, there is always something more. 

Here’s to knowing what you need to feel better! Responsible, respectful, consensual meetings can be very fulfilling. BTW Since then Pipa has had a litter and her daughter, Coquita, now lives with us at WP too.   Here’s some footage. 

Nothing but Love